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Première rencontre Colm Wilkinson / Franck Sinatra





Colm Wilkinson 1978


Colm Wilkinson 1978

photo  Colm Wilkinson is God https://2-4-6-oh-colm.tumblr.com/


Article du  Sunday Press (September 24, 1978)

Frank Sinatra in private is a lively, witty man, brimming with energy and good humour, and an extremely courteous host. Who says so? Irish singing star Colm Wilkinson who met him in London last week found him completely different from his public image.

And, far from being the “swinger” of popular imagination, Sinatra in private is old-fashioned enough to declare that he does not approve of the pictures of naked girls that adorn some of British tabloid newspapers.

Colm Wilkinson, who met Frank through a mutual priest friend, said: “I could not have met a nicer guy. He was very natural, made us at home and couldn’t do enough for us. And contrary to all the reports about his bodyguards, when we walked into his dressing room at the Festival Hall, there was only one in sight, and he was there to look after Sinatra’s guests.“

The Irish singer added that, so far as he could gather, the "army of heavies” who got so much adverse publicity in the British press were in fact British security guards hired only for the duration of Sinatra’s visit.

Colm, his wife Deirdre, and his manager, Jackie Johnson, were introduced to Sinatra by a Father Rooney, who is British-born of Irish descent, and who is an expert fundraiser for charities and for the missions. Frank Sinatra is a close friend who frequently gives charity concerts on his behalf. Colm Wilkinson claimed that though his fee in London was reported to be £250,000, Sinatra had donated it all to charity.

When Sinatra discovered that Colm and his manager would have to watch his Festival Hall show from the wings he immediately ordered promoter Harold Davidson to find them seats in the auditorium. “But you’re pretty popular, Frank; the seats are all full”, Davidson protested. “Well put them in the Royal Box”, said Sinatra. But that too was full.

Sinatra’s dressing room, he said was not the lavishly furnished place he had been led to expect. Colm gave the American star a gift of three bottles of Irish Whiskey, which pleased him as he said he found it hard to get in America.

After the Festival Hall concert, the Wilkinson’s were among a small party that dined with Sinatra at Aspinall’s, a small, exclusive London restaurant. Again, the bodyguards were notable by their absence.

Also among Sinatra’s guests were a Dublin solicitor and some top American businessmen, who included Mort Downey, a former head of Coca Cola (and once a singer himself who appeared in Dublin’s Theatre Royale). Again, Sinatra was the gracious host. “I was addressing him as Mr. Sinatra”, said Colm, “but he ended up by telling me to call him Frank - and he called me Colin, which was the nearest he could get to Colm.”

The Irish singer will be meeting Sinatra again soon - when they both appear on the same bill in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York on October 13 in another charity concert organized by Father Rooney. “Next time - who knows - I might even interest him in some of my songs”, said Colm.

Songwriting is taking up more of Colm Wilkinson’s time lately - and he revealed that the first piece of music to be heard when RTE 2 is officially opened will be a piece specially commissioned from him. He is also writing a musical for the new channel to be made some time next year.


Traduction des textes en gras 

"Frank Sinatra en privé est un homme plein d'entrain  et spirituel, débordant d'énergie et d' humour, et un hôte extrêmement courtois. "

Quand Sinatra a découvert que Colm et son manager  regardaient son spectacle du Festival Hall depuis les ailes*, il a immédiatement ordonné au promoteur Harold Davidson de trouver des sièges dans l'auditorium. "Mais vous êtes  populaire, Frank; Les sièges sont pleins ", proteste Davidson. "Bien, placez-les dans la Royal Box", a déclaré Sinatra.

*les ailes : zones faisant partie d'une plate-forme, mais hors visibilité du public.  L'espace de l'aile est utilisé pour les artistes préparés à entrer, le stockage des décors pour les changements de paysage et comme zone de travail de l'équipe. Les ailes contiennent également des équipements techniques

"Je m'adressais à lui comme Monsieur Sinatra", a déclaré Colm, "mais il a fini par me dire de l'appeler Frank, et il m'a appelé Colin, ce qui était le plus proche que je pouvais espérer pour  Colm."  [ sans doute dû à la prononciation irlandaise qui est "koloum "]


Cette première rencontre fut le début d'une série ponctuée de concerts communs le plus souvent pour  bienfaisance .


Colm interprétant  un classique de Sinatra "Fly Me To The Moon"




Article inspiré en grande partie par un article de Joanna - Colm Wilkinson is God https://2-4-6-oh-colm.tumblr.com/

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gros bisous du dimanche<br /> amitié Mado<br /> désolée de ne pas être plus présente <br /> mais le dos me fais trop souffrir <br /> je vous envoie donc ce petit message en copier coller <br /> pour vous dire que je pense à vous et que je regarde vos créations quand je le peux <br /> Amitié Mado 
Coucou mon amie Nadine<br /> Petite visite en cette fin de dimanche, ou le soleil a été très généreux...<br /> A l'ombre d'un chêne avec une bonne citronnade bien fraîche,<br /> c'est ce que j'appelle un vrai moment de bonheur.<br /> L'été va passer très vite alors profite de chaque instant.<br /> Passe une très belle soirée<br /> bisous
Bonjour Nadine<br /> Une rencontre de deux très grande voix .. Super<br /> Bon WE à toi et ta petite famille j'espère que ton fils va mieux<br /> bisous ... Georges
<br /> Bonne fin de semaine ma douce Nadine bisous de Mirella qui t'aime bien .
Bonjour,<br /> j’espère que tout va pour le mieux<br /> je viens sur le dernier article publié pour souhaiter<br /> BON 14 JUILLET 2017<br /> BON WEEKEND